Lender Directory

Lender Directory Search

Use the FREEandCLEAR Lender Directory to search over 3,900 mortgage lenders to find the program and lender that best match your mortgage objectives. Our Directory enables you to search across numerous attributes such as lender name, NMLS number, state, lender type, mortgage programs offered and FREEandCLEAR Rating, including Certified Low Rate Lender, Mortgage Program Leader and Technology All Star. Our Directory search criteria feature twenty-five loan programs including several no or low down payment options, programs for credit-challenged and self-employed borrowers and multiple niche mortgage programs. You can also specify the lender type including bank, mortgage bank, mortgage broker, credit union and private money lender as different lenders specialize in different loan products. The goal of the FREEandCLEAR Lender Directory is to connect borrowers to lenders so you can find the lender and mortgage that are right for you.

Search by Lender Name
or NMLS Number


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Lender Type

Mortgage Program


Why We Created the FREEandCLEAR Lender Directory


Provide Borrowers Access to a Wide Range of Lenders

Our Lender Directory includes over 3,900 mortgage lenders of all types across all 50 states.  Our goal was to make our directory as broad as possible so borrowers have access to more lenders.  Increasing access to lenders provides borrowers with more options and makes it more likely that they will find a lender that meets their mortgage needs.  Having a large number of lenders also attracts more users which in turn benefits lenders, so it is a win-win situation.  Our directory also features different types of lenders including traditional banks, mortgage banks, mortgage brokers, credit unions and private or hard money lenders.  Different lenders may specialize in different areas so offering a diverse set of lenders is one of our priorities.  Additionally, in an effort to increase the value of our directory, we continuously update it and add new lenders.


Search for Lenders By Mortgage Program

One of the main reasons we created the FREEandCLEAR Lender Directory is to enable borrowers to search for lenders by mortgage program.  Over the years, we have received many requests from borrowers to provide a list of lenders in their state that offer a specific mortgage program, such as FHA, VA, HomeReady or construction loans, to name a few.  These lists typically do not exist or if they do, they feature a limited selection of mortgage programs or lenders.  Our directory enables you to search for lenders that offer 25 mortgage programs ranging from popular to niche programs.  You can also narrow your search by lender type and FREEandCLEAR rating.  We believe that finding the right program is key to finding the right mortgage and our directory facilitates that process.  Plus, the easier it is for borrowers to find the programs they are looking for, the more likely they are to get mortgages. 


Connect Borrowers to Qualified Lenders

The ultimate goal of our Lender Directory is to connect borrowers to qualified lenders who can help you achieve your mortgage objectives.  Our directory provides comprehensive lender information including loan programs offered, lender type, states in which the lender operates and other helpful details such as specialty and if the lender offers an online application.  We also enable borrowers to easily contact lenders through their profile page on our directory.  We provide this extensive information and functionality to help borrowers find the lender that is right for them.  By removing the friction and improving information access in the lender search process, our directory matches more in-market borrowers with lenders.     


Increase Transparency and Accountability in the Mortgage Industry

Our directory enables borrowers to submit lender reviews.  This review process provides a valuable voice for borrowers as well as insightful feedback for lenders.  This feedback loop helps make the mortgage industry more transparent and accountable.  The best way for lenders to obtain positive reviews is to deliver an outstanding customer experience.  Additionally, even critical reviews can be productive by highlighting opportunities for improvement.  Most lenders welcome borrower feedback and we want our lender directory to be a constructive forum for both borrowers and lenders.  We do our best to monitor borrower reviews to make sure they are accurate and appropriate but you can contact us with any questions regarding specific reviews or the process in general.  


Democratize the Mortgage Process

Simply put, all lenders are treated equally by the FREEandCLEAR Lender Directory.  Big lenders, small lenders, national lenders, local lenders, mortgage banks, mortgage brokers, credit unions, private money lenders -- they are all considered equal when users conduct a directory search.  Additionally, every lender goes through the same evaluation process to determine if they receive FREEandCLEAR Low Rate Lender, Mortgage Program Leader and Technology All Star badges when they are added to the directory.  We think that treating lenders equally and fairly levels the playing field and creates a better experience for both our users and lenders.


It's Free to Use and Join

Our Lender Directory is free for our users and for lenders to join.  We believe that making our directory free to use enables us to reach the most borrowers and lenders.  We do not charge people to use FREEandCLEAR because we believe everyone should have access to high quality tools and resources to make informed decisions when they get a mortgage.  Additionally, by not charging lenders we encourage more lenders to join which enhances the experience for our users.  If you are a lender the odds are that you are already in the our directory but if not, simply fill-out this lender profile submission form to be added to the directory.  It is free to join in case you forgot :)


I Have More Questions About the FREEandCLEAR Lender Directory

We provide a comprehensive list of FREEandCLEAR Lender Directory Frequently Asked Questions that addresses some of the most common questions our users and lenders have.  When you create something innovative like our directory, people are bound to have questions so we did our best to proactively address them.  Our Directory FAQs cover most topics but you can always contact us directly with any questions or concerns and we would be more than happy to address them.   

More FREEandCLEAR Mortgage Resources


Personalized Mortgage Quote

Use our free personalized mortgage quote feature to compare up to five no obligation quotes from leading lenders in your area.  Shopping multiple lenders is the best way to save your money on your mortgage.

Mortgage Calculators

Mortgage Calculators

We offer over 30 mortgage calculators that address every aspect of the mortgage process from qualification to closing costs to conforming loan limits.  Our easy-to-use and interactive calculators help you analyze every scenario including what size mortgage you can afford and how much money you can save by accelerating your loan.

Ask a Mortgage Expert

Mortgage Advice

Review comprehensive explanations on numerous mortgage subjects from an expert with decades of mortgage industry expertise.  Put our mortgage insights to work to help you find the lender, loan program and mortgage that is right for you.

Interest Rates

Mortgage Rates

Our mortgage tables enable you compare rates and fees for leading lenders in your area.  Shopping multiple lenders is the best way to save money on your mortgage and find the loan that is right for you.

Mortgage Guides

Mortgage Cheat Sheet

Our mortgage cheat sheet is a great starting point, especially if you are a first-time home buyer. Our cheat sheet explains important mortgage topics to help you better understand and manage the process from pre-approval through funding.

About the FREEandCLEAR Lender Directory
The FREEandCLEAR Lender Directory features over 3,900 lenders across all states and lender types. The Directory is based on public information and is free to use for both borrowers and lenders. If you are a lender and would like to join the FREEandCLEAR Directory, simply fill-out this form. We also provide FREEandCLEAR Lender Directory FAQs to address some of the most common questions about the Directory.