Your lender is required to provide you a loan payment history that documents any payments that you have made as well as your monthly principal loan balance over the course of your mortgage. You can compare the loan payment history to your bank statements, cancelled checks or other documents to confirm that payments you made to the lender were correctly applied to your mortgage account.
If there are differences between your loan payment history and your documents that show the payments you have made, you can request that the lender correct any discrepancies. When you make the request, you should provide supporting documents including your bank statements that show that the payments in question were in fact accepted by the lender.
If the lender refuses to correct your account, we recommend that you contact your state attorney general or the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) to review your situation more closely. These entities can also look into instances of potential lender fraud on your behalf. I have included contact information for the CFPB below.
Consumer Financial Protection Bureau Contact Information
You final course of action is to hire a qualified real estate attorney to review the matter and represent your interests with the lender. It may also be helpful to let your lender know that you are either retaining an attorney or contacting your attorney general or the CFPB. I hope your situation is resolved quickly.
"Mortgage Servicing Rules Under the Truth in Lending Act (Regulation Z)"  CFPB. Consumer Financial Protection Bureau, February 14 2013. Web.
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