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Mortgage Market Weekly UpdatePOSTED: Sunday October 21, 2018 Mortgage Market Weekly UpdatePOSTED: Monday October 15, 2018 Mortgage Market Weekly UpdatePOSTED: Sunday October 07, 2018 Mortgage Market Weekly UpdatePOSTED: Sunday September 30, 2018
Significant Gender and Racial Housing Gaps PersistPOSTED: Monday September 24, 2018

Gender and racial inequality has emerged as one of the most important issues of our time.  Disparities between women and men as well as between different racial groups exist within multiple areas of society including pay, employment opportunities and housing.  While significant attention has been paid to income gaps, it is also vital to examine […]

Mortgage Market Weekly UpdatePOSTED: Sunday September 23, 2018 Mortgage Market Weekly UpdatePOSTED: Sunday September 16, 2018 Mortgage Market Weekly UpdatePOSTED: Monday September 10, 2018