

Welcome to the FREEandCLEAR Blog! Our blog offers unique insights on the latest mortgage market news and trends. We also use our blog to shine a spotlight on important topics that are shaping the real estate and mortgage markets including housing affordability, socioeconomic developments and financial literacy. We are always adding interesting features to the FREEandCLEAR Blog so sign up below to receive our Mortgage Market Update and other posts or check back frequently.

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Mortgage Market Weekly UpdatePOSTED: Sunday April 08, 2018 Mortgage Market Weekly UpdatePOSTED: Sunday April 01, 2018
If the Fed Raised Interest Rates, Why Did Mortgage Rates Go Down?POSTED: Tuesday March 27, 2018

Last week the Federal Reserve raised its benchmark Federal Funds rate 0.250% to 1.500% to 1.750%.  The Federal Funds rate is a key interest rate that impacts the cost of borrowing for many financial institutions including banks and mortgage lenders.  When the Fed increases interest rates, mortgage rates typically increase as well but that did […]

Mortgage Market Weekly UpdatePOSTED: Sunday March 25, 2018 Mortgage Market Weekly UpdatePOSTED: Monday March 19, 2018 Mortgage Market Weekly UpdatePOSTED: Sunday March 11, 2018 Mortgage Market Weekly UpdatePOSTED: Sunday March 04, 2018
Who is Fannie Mae?POSTED: Wednesday February 28, 2018

Fannie Mae plays a huge role in the mortgage process.  From shaping borrower qualification guidelines, to developing new mortgage programs, influencing mortgage rates and providing liquidity to lenders, Fannie Mae is arguably the most important organization in the mortgage industry.  Despite its importance, most borrowers never interact directly with Fannie Mae when they get a mortgage.  From […]